291 CRITICISMS (Diverse General)

Candidate table entries, as yet unchecked.
Entry meaning remains doubtful.
Words of deviated meaning.
Related but [different, contrasting, or antonymous] entry; or quasi-related entry.

  1. Abrupt.
  2. Abstracted.
  3. Abusive.
  4. Amateurish, unprofessional.
  5. Ambiguous.
  6. Amoral.
  7. Anecdotal.
  8. Arbitrary.
  9. Arid.
  10. Arrogant.
  11. Artificial.
  12. Artless.
  13. Awkward. =?.
  14. Backwards. |Cf. #198: Retrogressive..
  15. Bizarre.* =?
  16. Bland.
  17. Blind.
  18. Borish.
  19. Capricious.
  20. Captious.
  21. Careless.
  22. Chaotic.
  23. Circular.
  24. Clownish.
  25. Clumsy.
  26. Coercive, involuntary.
  27. Colorless.
  28. Compromised.*
  29. Compulsive.
  30. Confused.
  31. Contradictory.
  32. Contraproductive.
  33. Controversial.
  34. Credulous.
  35. Criminal.
  36. Crude.
  37. Cynical.
  38. Dangerous, risky, hazardous. |Cf. #76: Harmful...
  39. Dense.
  40. Derivative.
  41. Destructive.
  42. Desultory.
  43. Digressive.
  44. Disappointing.
  45. Discouraging, deadening, enfeebling.*
  46. Dishonest, fraudulent.
  47. Distorted, malformed, misconstructed.
  48. Disturbing, perturbing, divisive.
  49. Dogmatic.
  50. Dull, uninteresting, boring. |Cf. #257: Heterogeneous, mixed...
  51. Duplicitous.
  52. Emotional.
  53. Enervated.
  54. Ephemeral.
  55. Exaggerative.
  56. Excessive.
  57. Expedient.
  58. Exploitative.
  59. Extravagant.
  60. Extreme.
  61. Extrinsic, extraneous, foreign, allocthonous. |Cf. #117: Inorganic.
  62. Facile.
  63. Faddish.
  64. Fallacious -> False, wrong.
  65. Fantastic.
  66. Fatalistic.
  67. Formalistic.
  68. Formless.
  69. Fragile, weak.
  70. Frightening, discomforting, distracting.
  71. Frivolous.
  72. Futile.
  73. Graceless.
  74. Gratuitous.
  75. Hackneyed.
  76. Harmful. |Cf. #38: Dangerous, risky, hazardous.
  77. Harsh -> Violent.
  78. Heterogeneous, mixed, hybrid, miscellaneous.* |Cf. #131: Jumbled.
  79. Hypercritical.
  80. Hypostatizing.
  81. Hysterical.
  82. Idealizing.
  83. Idiosyncratic, odd, irregular, exceptional.
  84. Ignorant.
  85. Illiterate.
  86. Illusory.
  87. Imitative.
  88. Immature.
  89. Immethodical.
  90. Immoral.
  91. Imperceptive.
  92. Imperfect.
  93. Impractical.
  94. Imprudent.
  95. Inaccurate.
  96. Inadequate.
  97. Inappropriate.
  98. Incommunicable.
  99. Incompetent.
  100. Incomplete.
  101. Incomprehensible.
  102. Inconclusive.
  103. Incondite.
  104. Inconscient.
  105. Inconsequent.
  106. Inconsistent -> Inconcinnous, dissonant, disharmonious.
  107. Inconvenient.
  108. Indecorous.
  109. Indeterminate -> Unknowable, undecidable.* |Cf. #5: Ambiguous.
  110. Indirect, oblique.
  111. Ineffective. |Cf. #275: Unsuccessful.
  112. Inefficient.
  113. Inelegant.
  114. Inhuman (not [anthropomorphic, anthropocentric, humanized, etc]).*
  115. Injudicious.
  116. Inopportune, untimely, ill-timed.
  117. Inorganic -> Unnatural. |Cf. #61.
  118. Insane.
  119. Insensitive.
  120. Insoluble.
  121. Intolerant.
  122. Irrational.
  123. Irrecusable.
  124. Irregular, atypical, exceptional, anomalous.*
  125. Irrelevant.
  126. Irremediable.
  127. Irresponsible.
  128. Isolated.
  129. Jerry-built.
  130. Journalistic.
  131. Jumbled. |Cf. #78: Heterogeneous, mixed...
  132. Labored.
  133. Lazy -> Idle.
  134. Limited.
  135. Malicious.
  136. Mannered.
  137. Maudlin.
  138. Meaningless.
  139. Mechanical.
  140. Meddlesome.
  141. Mediocre.
  142. Meretricious.
  143. Misarranged.
  144. Mischievous, disruptive, troublesome.
  145. Misconceived. =?
  146. Misdirected.
  147. Misinformed.
  148. Misleading, "misconnotative", confusable -> Quasi-wrong, quasi-bad.
  149. Misplaced.
  150. Misused.
  151. Morbid.
  152. Muddleheaded.
  153. Mutilating.
  154. Myopic.
  155. Mystical.
  156. Naive.
  157. Narrow.
  158. Negativistic.
  159. Niggardly.
  160. Nonfunctional.
  161. Obscure.
  162. Obsessed.
  163. Obvious.
  164. Offensive -> Ugly.
  165. Offhand.
  166. Old-fashioned, passe, obsolete.
  167. Omissive.
  168. One-dimensional.
  169. Opaque.
  170. Oppressive.
  171. Orthodox, conventional.
  172. Orthogonal, separate -> Disparate, nonequivalent, incommensurate.*
  173. Overambitious.
  174. Overconstrained, restrained.*
  175. Overfastidious.
  176. Overhasty.
  177. Overperfect, too good.
  178. Overreactive.
  179. Overzealous.
  180. Panacean.*
  181. Parochial.
  182. Pathological.
  183. Perverse.
  184. Petty.
  185. Polarized.
  186. Pompous.
  187. Premature.
  188. Presumptuous.
  189. Pretentious.
  190. Problematic.
  191. Prosaic.
  192. Pseudosophisticated.
  193. Purposeless.
  194. Reactionary.
  195. Redundant, tautologous.
  196. Reflexive.
  197. Repetitive -> Perseverative, overpersistent.
  198. Retrogressive. |Cf. #14: Backwards.
  199. Revolutionary.*
  200. Sanctimonious.
  201. Self-indulgent.
  202. Selfish -> Egocentric, Narcissistic.
  203. Sensationalistic.
  204. Shallow -> Superficial.
  205. Silly.
  206. Simplistic.
  207. Slow.
  208. Smug.
  209. Sophistic.
  210. Sordid.
  211. Speculative.
  212. Static -> Lifeless, stagnant, inert.
  213. Stereotyped.
  214. Sterile.
  215. Strabismic (failing to perceive clearly or accurately; not based on straight clear observation or analysis).
  216. Stupid.
  217. Subjective.
  218. Subservient, 'partial'.*
  219. Suspicious.
  220. Tardy.
  221. Tasteless.
  222. Tendentious.
  223. Timid, cowardly.
  224. Tiresome.
  225. Too clever.
  226. Too complex.
  227. Too direct.
  228. Too easy.
  229. Too general.
  230. Too hard.
  231. Too many ideas.
  232. Too qualified.
  233. Trivial.
  234. Turbulent, unsettled.
  235. Unappealing (to some, oneself, or in general).
  236. Unbalanced.
  237. Uncentered.
  238. Unchallenging.
  239. Uncharacterized.*
  240. Uncontrolled -> Uncontrollable, unmanageable.
  241. Unconvincing.
  242. Uncorrected, unrectified.
  243. Underambitious.
  244. Undescriptive.
  245. Undeveloped.
  246. Undignified.
  247. Undiplomatic.
  248. Undirected.
  249. Undisciplined.
  250. Undiscriminating.
  251. Undocumented.
  252. Unedifying, unimproving.
  253. Uneven.
  254. Ungrateful.
  255. Unhelpful.
  256. Unimaginative.
  257. Uninspired. |Cf. #50: Dull, uninteresting, boring.
  258. Unjust, unfair.
  259. Unnecessary -> Unjustified.
  260. Unorganized.
  261. Unoriginal.
  262. Unplanned -> Unprepared.
  263. Unproductive.
  264. Unprovable -> Unproven, undemonstrated.
  265. Unreasonable.
  266. Unrefined.
  267. Unreflective.
  268. Unresponsive.
  269. Unrestrained -> Unbounded, limitless, infinite, endless.
  270. Unscholarly.
  271. Unscientific.
  272. Unselective.
  273. Unself-critical.
  274. Unself-explanatory.
  275. Unsuccessful. |Cf. #111: Ineffective.
  276. Unsymmetric.
  277. Untestable -> Untested, untried, questionable, dubious, uncertain.
  278. Untrustworthy.
  279. Ununified.
  280. Unwieldy.
  281. Useless, valueless.
  282. Vacuous.
  283. Vague, indefinite.
  284. Varnished.
  285. Venal.
  286. Visionless.
  287. Wasteful -> Expensive (costly).
  288. Wishful.
  289. Wordy.
  290. Worshipful.
  291. Wrong stresses.
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