Antisyzygies are 'meetings of opposites'. Or more generally, they include
(any and all) [meetings, comparisons, unions, intersections, vergences,
equivalences, analogies, interdependences, complementarities, symmetries,
interactions, interweavings, dialectical syntheses and transcendences,
etc] of pairs (or larger sets) of mutually [opposite or contrasting] things.
Arguably they are the most important things, or philosophical categories,
there are. Or this might be said of the progressive (finite or infinite)
INTEGRATION of the totality of all of the different sets of antisyzygies
in the paradoxical foundations of the universe, or of physical and mental
A pertinent philosophical principle is, "all opposites meet in and
as the greater nature of things."
The present list is actually an abbreviated version of a much larger
table of over 303 named antisyzygies. The original purpose of the paring
was simply to allow a hyperspatial mapping to be made of some diverse meetings
of opposites, via the statistical method of nonmetric multidimensional
scaling (NMDS), guided by holistic (gestalt) intuition.
Absent here are even such major antisyzygies as 'Ability <--> Inability',
'Absolute <--> Relative', and 'Active <--> Passive'; not to mention
numberless minor ones, such as 'Acceleration <--> Deceleration', 'Ambiguous
<--> Unambiguous', or 'Cold <--> Hot'.
Table of 102 Antisyzigies
1. AdmirationContempt 2. ArtScience 3. BeautyUgliness 4. BenevolenceMalevolence
5. CapitalLabor 6. CapitalismSocialism 7. CauseEffect 8. CertaintyUncertainty
9. CivilizationBarbarism 10. ClarityObscurity 11. ComingGoing 12. CommunismDemocracy
13. ContinuousDiscrete 14. CosmogonyCosmotely (end of universe) 15. CosmosMicrocosm
16. CourageCowardice 17. DayNight 18. DreamReality 19. EastWest 20. EventObject
21. ExcellenceMediocrity 22. ExtroversionIntroversion 23. FastSlow 24.
FindingSeeking 25. FiniteInfinite 26. FirstLast 27. FluxPermanence 28.
FormContent 29. FortuneDisaster 30. FriendEnemy 31. GivingReceiving 32.
GoodEvil 33. GrandeurBathos 34. HealthSickness 35. HeavenHell 36. HonestyMendacity
37. HumilityArrogance 38. IdeaThing 39. ImaginingDoing 40. InstantEternity
41. InternalExternal 42. JudgeJudged 43. KindCruel 44. KnowledgeIgnorance
45. LaughingCrying 46. LearningUnlearning 47. LifeDeath 48. LossGain 49.
LoveHate 50. MaleFemale 51. ManGod 52. MasterSlave 53. MatterEnergy 54.
MaximalMinimal energy 55. MeansEnds 56. MessageMedium 57. MoralAmoral 58.
MoreLess 59. MotionImmobility 60. NaiveteSophistication 61. NaturalArtificial
62. NothingEverything 63. OldNew 64. OmnipotenceImpotence 65. OneAll 66.
OpennessSecrecy 67. OrderChaos 68. OrthodoxyHeterodoxy 69. PartWhole 70.
ParticleWave 71. PastFuture 72. PastPresent 73. PerfectImperfect 74. PessimismOptimism
75. PhysicalMental 76. PleasurePain 77. Political liberalismConservatism
78. PovertyRiches 79. PresenceAbsence 80. ProCon 81. ProblemOpportunity
82. ProblemSolution 83. ProgressRetrogression 84. QuantityQuality 85. QuestionAnswer
86. RightDuty 87. RightWrong 88. SacredProfane 89. SanityMadness 90. SelfOther
91. SimplicityComplexity 92. Small-as-beautifulBig-as-beautiful 93. SmartDumb
94. SpaceTime 95. SuccessFailure 96. TeacherPupil 97. TragedyComedy 98.
VirtueVice 99. WarPeace 100. WisdomFoolishness 101. WorkPlay 102. YesNo