Table of 65 Things Paths [do, can do, or can be made to do]

  1. Accelerate or decelerate.
  2. (Add, build, or form] something.
  3. Advance.
  4. Anastomose,
  5. Ascend or descend.
  6. [Attract or be attracted to] (themselves, other paths, or other things].
  7. [Be or become] (obstructed, opposed, confined, or otherwise restricted].
  8. Be 'compacted' or 'coiled up' into themselves.
  9. Become inactive or fossilized.
  10. Branch or split lengthwise.
  11. Break or fragment into pieces.
  12. Change or transform [themselves, other paths, or other things].
  13. [Circumnavigate, girdle, circumscribe, enclose, bound, outline, describe, measure, or orbit] things.
  14. Combine with [<similiar or different> paths, themselves, or other things) to form complex [systems, networks, or structures].
  15. [Compete or struggle] with [one another or the environment].
  16. Concentrate resources at [one point or a <series or system> of points].
  17. [Connect, interconnect, unite, coordinate, or interact] [two or more] things.
  18. Curve, twist, or turn sharply.
  19. [detect and follow] the traces of former paths.
  20. Distribute resources to [general or arbitrary] points (cf. 16).
  21. [Entrain or collimate] one another.
  22. 'Explore' [things, the environment, or paths].
  23. [Feed or energize] [themselves, other paths, or other things].
  24. Fill a [space or object] (e.g. a la a Peano curve that seems to [fill or constitute] a solid triangle).
  25. [Grow, lengthen, or be added to <incrementally or from without>].
  26. Hide only to later [reappear or regenerate].
  27. Imitate [themselves, one another, or the environment].
  28. IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER PATHS: keep many different [inputs, outputs, or flows] [separate or independent] of one another.
  29. [increase or maximize) the (efficiency or economy) of use of [space, materials, energies, or things]; or reduce needed [effort or attention].
  30. Integrate [fluctuations, irregularities, randomness, spectrums, etc] [mathematically, physically, or mentally].
  31. Interfere with [themselves or other paths].
  32. Interpolate or spline.
  33. Intersect [themselves or other paths].
  34. [Join, coalesce, or 'splice' [themselves or other paths] (cf. 11)
  35. Jump.
  36. Leave traces,
  37. [Mature, evolve, strengthen, or improve] .
  38. Mediate input or give lingress or access].
  39. Mediate output or allow [egress, escape, or disposal] (cf. 38).
  40. migrate, drift, or wander.
  41. Narrow or widen.
  42. originate.
  43. overextend.
  44. [overlap, superimpose, contain, or be contained in) other paths].
  45. Pair with another path (perhaps involving antidirected movement).
  46. Pass [over, around, or under] [themselves, other paths, or other things].
  47. Project (e.g. a la a [vector, extrapolation, trajectory, or ray[.
  48. [Pulsate, oscillate, wobble, weave, spiral, or corkscrew (helically)].
  49. [Rationalize, systematize, fix, and/or routinize] (flow, movement, transport, travel, interaction, and/or exchange).
  50. Reinforce themselves or other paths] (cf. 15 and 31).
  51. [Remove or excavate something (cf. 2).
  52. [Repel or escape from] [themselves, other paths, or other things] (cf. 6).
  53. Reproduce or multiply.
  54. [Retreat, reverse, or double back on themselves] (cf. 3).
  55. [Sequence or concatenate] things.
  56. Shrink or shorten (cf. 25).
  57. [Straighten (cf. 18)
  58. Stretch elastically.
  59. Supply a thing with something else.
  60. [Tangle, wrap, or knot] [themselves, other paths, or other things]
  61. Terminate or be <erased or stopped> (cf. 42).
  62. [Tour, sample, or inspect (or enable something to)].
  63. [Transmit <information, inquiries, or orders> or mediate control].
  64. [Transport, direct, constrain, or canalize] (something).
  65. Weaken, wither away, or attenuate (cf. 37).