Table of Contents of
What Ideonomy Can Do
Heighten aesthetic appreciation
Show how things are alike
Show alternatives
Improve analysis of situations
Help answer questions
Structure argument
Explore assmptions
Characterize behavior
Analyze the nature of beliefs
Indicate the consequences
of beliefs
Define the canonical possibilities
of a thing
Assess capacity
Identify the causes
of things
Clarify chains of events
Help characterize the role of
Characterize change
Fertilize character
Expand civilization
Show how to classify things
Show how things can be usefully
Increase understanding
of complexity
Reveal the many concauses
of a thing
Analyze conflict
Deepen conscience
Show what is and is not
Uncover content
Identify contradictions
Map the structure of controls.
Suggest creations
Augment creativity
Refine criteria
Heighten critical awareness
Take account of cycles
Improve debate
Help one avoid deception
Define concepts
Aid description
Illuminate how a thing
Diagrammatize concepts
Reconcile differences
Suggest the fundamental
dimensions of things
Define all physical dimensions.
Accelerate discoveries
Facilitate discussion
Distinguish things
Maximize diversity
Depict dynamics
Clarify economics
Define effects
Suggest the effects of human
Aid engineering
Show how a thing affects its
Show how a thing is affected
by its environment
Demonstrate equivalences
between things
Classify human errors
Aid evaluation
Clarify events
Illuminate evil
Provide examples
Suggest examples
Suggest exceptions to laws
Consider excuses
Suggest experiments
Extend things elsewhere
Point to extrement possibilities
Unearth fallacies
Originate new fields of
Identify flows
Point to all the forms things
can have
Advance the foundataion of
a subject
Erect frameworks for though
Enumerate the functions
of a thing
Foster wisdom about the future
Generalize notios
Suggest goals
Show paths to goals
Clarify good
Help treat the hardest things
Describe hierarchies
Unveil higher realities
Help one think about the history
of a thing
Expand horizons
Develop an idea
Advance ideals
Dramatize ideas and facts
Reduce ignorance
Pierce illusions
Discipline imagination
Help one know what is important
Help describe the individuality
of a thing
Improve industrial goods
Point to infinities
Help extract maximum information
from a single datum
Propose innovations
Accentuate intelligence
Enable one to plot the successive
interactions of two things
Show the interdependences
of ideas
Suggest new interests
Multiply inventions
Invert things
Give one greater access to existing
Help bring the totality of human
knowledge into play in the treatment of a single thing
Improve the use of human knowledge
Advance language
Identify laws
Aid learning
Reveal the limitations of things
Enhance logical rigor
Aid mastery of a subject
Stimulate the advance of
pure and applied mathematics
Enhance meaning
Improve the use and understanding
of metaphor
Develop methodologies
Help model things
Lessen mortmain of the stifling
effect of habit, traditio, and orthodoxy.
Identify needs
Depict networks
Suggest higher niveaux
Treat obscurity and ambiguity
Help circumvent obstacles
Bring to light important omissions
and neglects
Help explore and exploit the
Suggest opportunities
Point to the ways in which opposites
can meet and merge
Reveal underlying order
Explicate origin
Exploit paradoxes
Clarify pathology
Help one discern patterns
Aid perception
Perfect things
Show how to see things from all perspectives
Improve the planning of research
Show a thng's potential
Rationalize practices
Predict things
Curtail prejudices
Enable preparation
Describe the present
Help one formulate principles
Improve the characterization of probabilities
Explain processes
Aid proof and disproof
Help quantify anything and everything
Show what questions should be asked about something
Describe range and distribution
Help study reactions
Catalyze reform
Aid research into new regimes
Reveal relationships between seemingly unrelated things
Coordinate diverse research
Create new research tools
Discover new resrouces
Supply Rosetta stones
Give insight into rules
Construct scenarios
Discourage trivial scholarship
Make science even more scientific
Increase security
Enable self-criticism
Explicate sequences and series
Find shortcuts and simplifications
Train new skills
Enrich speculation
Find stories in everything
Improve strategy
Lessen stupidity
Foresee surprises
Unravel symbolism
Augment reachying
Originate technology
Test notions
Transcend things
Elucidate transformations
Transvalue things
Define types of things
Suggest ultimates
Help one cope with the unfamiliar
Unify things
Suggest uses
Suggest the diverse values of a thing
Amplify wealth
Interrelate wholes and parts
Heighten wisdom
Expand our world view